How It Started

In the summer of 2020, the Church found itself navigating the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, a cultural crisis and division. The Church was confronted with a social and cultural shift that required constant pivoting and change. These issues caused great stress on pastors and leadership teams. Many congregations also found themselves in a spiritual crisis. The well-being of many leaders was tested with many quitting and burning out during this time. God began to stir our hearts to do something to serve leaders and to address the complex issues facing the Next Generation.

The Culture Changers began as a movement on Instagram in Fall 2020, where conversation space was created to tackle difficult topics related to the Church and culture. The initial vision was to engage leaders, Millennials and Gen Z on how to biblically respond to cultural and social issues that mattered to them.

Over the past three years our ministry has evolved to help and equip churches navigate culture. Organizational culture, leadership culture and social justice issues in our world are three areas of focus to serve churches and organizations. We love the local church and believe we are called to serve leaders in the body of Christ.

About - Jason and Kerri Persaud


Jason and Kerri Persaud have over fifty-five years of combined Pastoral, ministry and marketplace leadership experience.

Jason went to North Point Bible College (formerly Zion Bible Institute – class of ‘95). He has served in ministry for over thirty-one years and most recently, served as the Associate Pastor at Bramalea Christian Fellowship in Brampton, ON. Jason worked bi-vocational for many years, finishing his career as a District Manager for a North American franchised company. Jason also served as a Home Missionary with Youth Unlimited (Youth For Christ Toronto) for over five years and is currently as a Senior Advisor with Alpha Canada working with churches across Canada to explore evangelism and discipleship strategies through the Alpha course. Jason is also ministry consultant with a focus on helping churches navigate organizational and leadership culture, evangelism, discipleship, social issues and Next-Gen ministry.

Jason recently completed (May 2023), a Masters of Arts in Practical Theology and Leadership at North Point Bible College in Haverhill, MA.


Before transitioning into vocational ministry, Kerri began her career as an engineer (UNB, B.Sc.EE., 1999) working for a large multi-national corporation. Two decades later, she has extensive experience leading Family Ministry teams and Non-Profit Administration. Kerri completed her M.B.A. in Leadership from Oral Roberts University (2022) and works with churches and organizations across Canada with incorporation, charity registration, government filings, strategic planning and risk management. She enjoys working with organizations to create systems to help bring a vision to life. Kerri is currently a part of the pastoral team at Bramalea Christian Fellowship in Brampton, ON.